Monday, March 23, 2009

meeting 24 march and progress stunted by Womad

Image: Moana & the Tribe - WOMAD Taranaki 2009
At the moment I am chugging along with the individual cases. Womad sort of got in the way but now I am on the wagon again with the thesis. I am almost finished the third case. My supervisors have the draft general results and the draft methodology. They are on the shelf at the moment as the priority is to finish the individual cases so I can prepare a discussion about them.

Meeting 24 March 24, 2009

S & L are not sure about adding in extra description for case three. I have added more description about the style of writing in the section called: use of the reflective framework. The reason is because the reader/examiners will need to compare all the cases by headings which need to be consistent – if extra headings and extra writing may confuse examiners. However, I may have discovered a new heading which is needed in all the cases even if no data is available for some because they did not write their reflections using the template headings.

B to do

1. Send third case when done.

2. Put all three cases together (first one with feedback) and send to S & L.

3. Delete results chapter with S’s feedback and leave until later. Tempted to look.

4. Start on next case in a different doc. Add to finished cases and send as draft doc – this will help keep everything together and enable comparisons to be made more easily, plus control versioning of the document a bit better. S & L will keep the same version with their feedback on it.

5. Aim for two weeks to have all cases finished and sent to S & L.

6. Work on a discussion about themes across all cases.


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