Sunday, October 15, 2006

The plan for 2007

The eureka moment idea I had was not regarded as suitable by my supervisors. With some new strategies in place, they think I will get more participants next time.

Next year I will actually go to Wollongong and spend some time with potential participants. This will happen on 3rd March 2007 at a Saturday workshop when the next design subject starts.
I will talk about my experiences doing the subject and how I am using what I learned in my work as an educational designer and teacher. I can also introduce the research in particular the reflective framework and talk about how they will be able to use it. I will also get them to fill out the questionnaire in class. I prefer online questionnaires to save time on the analysis but it would be silly not to take advantage of the f2f opportunity. Unless I can get a computer lab for the purpose.

In the meantime:

1. review the reflective framework and prompts in light of the three design objects and supporting statements, and possible project log. - BH

2. hear re arrangements for the Saturday workshop on 3 March 2007

- I will outline some ideas for what I will cover (introduce research, my experience with the design subject and how I am now using it in my practice, focus group re reflection, get them to fill in questionnaire) for sue to critique

3. receive the new subject outline i.e. explanation for the assessments and dates for submission from sue later on this year.

4. develop some specific criteria that can be used with the supporting statements to bring out reflection re professional practice, and send for critique e.g. how well did you achieve your design goals?

5. develop some criteria for analysing the quality of the reflections

6. support statement instructions to be rewritten so it is more reflective

7. pilot report to be reviewed by supervisors to decide which bits to include in methodology -

8. Prepare timeline for data collection and analysis


Blogger Bee said...

Oh, what a pity, Bron!
Does this mean that I will not be able to participate in your research?

11:52 AM  
Blogger Sarah Stewart said...

Hi Bronwyn, good to see your blog and know I'm not the only one suffering Sarah Stewart

6:44 PM  
Blogger Steven Parker said...

Hi Bronwyn

Great you will be in Wollongong. Would be great to catch up with you. The reflective framework you are tackling is off particular interest to me for 2007. One issue I am keen to explore are the processes PD and metric systems that encourage ongoing participation (a current problem for the networked learning model) after a PD event as well as a way for managment to track and manage the outcoming off learning.



7:35 PM  
Blogger Bronwyn hegarty said...

hey Bee thanks for your vote of confidence. yes sadly I cannot open the research to other participants now as we are going to focus on using the framework with a specific course - professionals who are learning about designing multimedia resources.

Sarah ah but in the suffering we learn to think and reflect on how we can suffer less. thanks for reading my blog.

steven sorry i missed your post.I would be keen to talk with you further about the reflective framework. I agree it is problematic to get people to build evidence of how they are learning following a PD event. Maybe that is why learners prefer lectures - that way they can attend and then go away. active learning and self-directed learning requires a certain degree of thinking, and forces us to take a look at what we know and understand. this is not always easy to deal with.

12:48 AM  

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